So Tim posted this blog about yours truly EFFING TAP DANCING while I play a violin solo. I made the mistake of casually mentioning it at a dinner last Saturday. Now he’s made it a thing. GOD. DAMMIT. TIM. WICK. Ima say this. I tapped for one production of Anything Goes back in college in 2001 […]
Category: Uncategorized
Droopie of the Month: March Edition
Greetings Dreg-Heads. This month’s droopie is Maggie Heck. *general applause* Mostly because her doting husband is a dork and commented first. But don’t worry kids, I’ll torture ALL of you who showed interest! 😀 Maggie is a megafan. And when I mean mega, I mean she knew all the words to the songs before I […]
St Chadface
At rehearsal on Monday, we discovered something. There once was a man named Chad who was sainted. According to the Wikipedia Article the continued use of the word ‘chad’ to describe ballot paper and the questionable 2000 presidential election, some refer to St Chad jokingly as the patron of botched elections. We in The Dregs tend […]
cutting corners
Okay, here is the part where I usually have a witty friggin Dregs entry defending my obscene habits, convincing you to come to a show, or share a story we’ve alluded to onstage. NONE OF THAT TODAY. I just started grad school, and I was there all damn day yesterday, plus I’m working on another […]
My dirty secret; Mascara Anonymous
I have a confession to make. I am addicted to make up. And not just any- specifically mascara. Okay, here’s how it went down. My mother started putting make up on me when I was about six for fancy family photos. Not even kidding. It was usually blush, lip gloss, … and my old dear […]
Tim and Marc, sitting in a tree….
You know how the rest of that nursery rhyme goes. But do we really know how it started? How did my boyfriend and bandmate begin their bromance? I am unsure, but lets retrace some of the clues I’ve gathered and see if we can make sense from all of this. The Dregs take part in […]
Wait For It
Hello again Droopies. I warned you that I was inspired from my last post for another blog entirely. Well here it is. My last name was altered from Zupan to Zupon by my grandfather who was tired of the mispronunciation of the long ‘a’. Zupan can be traced back to Slovenia. You can check out […]
Flawed Dregs, and by flawed I mean dead bird
The Dregs had a very busy 2013! You might have missed it, but we were asked to write a song to be a part of Joesph Scrimshaw’s Flaw Fest. If you haven’t listened to it, you can check out some of his comedy AND check out our song too. Or, for a dollar, you can […]
Guilty pleasure
I’m going to “out” my boyfriend. He has been a vegetarian for the last 10 years, but while we were in England earlier this year, he succumbed to the siren song of Lea & Perrin’s Sauce, which contains anchovies. He craved it prior to that brave step, and has not yet quenched his desire to […]