Hello again Droopies. I warned you that I was inspired from my last post for another blog entirely. Well here it is.
My last name was altered from Zupan to Zupon by my grandfather who was tired of the mispronunciation of the long ‘a’. Zupan can be traced back to Slovenia. You can check out this wikipedia article detailing some of the more famous Zupans.
Zupan is also the name of an important public position; someone in charge of a district. You know what that means? I’m from Slavic royalty, BITCHES. That’s right. Best start your grovelling now.
Żupan is also a Polish frock. You work IT, guuuuuuurl!
It’s also the name of a market that is doing well in Portland.
There is a twist in this otherwise perfect Zupan fairytale. In finding out the history of Zupan, my father uncovered a dark, hidden secret. Much to my chagrin, people, ZUPANS MAKE ACCORDIONS. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
That’s worse than finding out Darth Vader is your father. Look at this shit!
So as you can see, the embarrassment is complete. They even have a facebook page. THANKS, ANCESTORS, FOR THE ULTIMATE HUMILIATION. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll go cry in the corner.
Very interesting read there, Molly.