Gotta Hang On Till Tomorrow

COME WHAT MAAAAAAAAAAAAAY….. Okay kids, this is mostly an INFORMATIONAL BLOG. No funny business, ya hear? We have a show to do, and we’re goddamn professionals here! *snerk* Well, most of that was true. Let’s get down to brass tacks. How much to f*ck the goat? WAIT WRONG QUESTION. How is this going to work […]

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Well that escalated quickly

I have often said that a band is only as good as its audience. This stance says a lot about my feelings on bands such as Guns & Roses One Direction or Gwar We don’t do a lot of shows outside of Fest. It does make the time we spend with our fans extra special. […]

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Guilty pleasure

I’m going to “out” my boyfriend. He has been a vegetarian for the last 10 years, but while we were in England earlier this year, he succumbed to the siren song of Lea & Perrin’s Sauce, which contains anchovies. He craved it prior to that brave step, and has not yet quenched his desire to […]

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¡Infeliz Navidad!

Molly here. It is a Dregs tradition to sing Feliz Navidad and screw with the lead. I inherited the song from Angelina, and since then I’ve had the following happen to me: Had the boys fondle me Been toilet papered Tim’s junk near me (ew) Underwear and a camel puppet up in my mix Been […]

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Imminent Performance in t-minus 4 days!

Are you kids getting as excited as I am for this holiday show OR WHAT!? Knowing that it sold out in just a couple days is so insane. As a huge treat to you, our fans, we’re opening the doors at six so we can all eat dinner together. I plan on having the amazing […]

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