Hello again Droopies. I warned you that I was inspired from my last post for another blog entirely. Well here it is. My last name was altered from Zupan to Zupon by my grandfather who was tired of the mispronunciation of the long ‘a’. Zupan can be traced back to Slovenia. You can check out […]
Author: Molly
Six People to Avoid When Forming a Band
Social media is the best. I get exposed to all kinds of things (sometimes literally) that I otherwise would not have stumbled upon. Take for instance this article by Drew Ailes from St. Louis’ own Riverfront Times. It’s about the six people to avoid… when forming a band. Ahh, six members in this band. Six […]
Flawed Dregs, and by flawed I mean dead bird
The Dregs had a very busy 2013! You might have missed it, but we were asked to write a song to be a part of Joesph Scrimshaw’s Flaw Fest. If you haven’t listened to it, you can check out some of his comedy AND check out our song too. Or, for a dollar, you can […]
beauty and the teeth
I love our newest addition, brought to the band by Rachael, called Arlington. It’s a nice break from the rambunctious comedy pieces we normally do, and its layering of instrumentation we do gives me goosebumps. The Dregs perform Arlington, link courtesy of mega Droopie, Caden Logan. And here is a photo from the show just because […]
all that glitters is not gold- it’s Dregs?
Let the count down begin until the NYE Four Pints Shy and Dregs show! It will be held at Pepitos Parkway Theater, and we’re super excited! Well I don’ know about the rest of those bitches, but I am! I love NYE because it’s the best reason to break out all of the GLITTER!! And […]
Can’t make the holiday show because it sold out?
Come to the New Years Eve show! Dress up, bring your favorite pal to smootch at midnight and join us and Four Pints Shy as we bring in 2014 the right way; with music, laughter and shenanigans! News of our show is starting to spread around town– we’re even listed online in a page […]
¡Infeliz Navidad!
Molly here. It is a Dregs tradition to sing Feliz Navidad and screw with the lead. I inherited the song from Angelina, and since then I’ve had the following happen to me: Had the boys fondle me Been toilet papered Tim’s junk near me (ew) Underwear and a camel puppet up in my mix Been […]
Imminent Performance in t-minus 4 days!
Are you kids getting as excited as I am for this holiday show OR WHAT!? Knowing that it sold out in just a couple days is so insane. As a huge treat to you, our fans, we’re opening the doors at six so we can all eat dinner together. I plan on having the amazing […]