All for Me Grog

Okay, so I maybe forgot yesterday to post something. I got the grad school blues, baby, and it’s impeding on bloggy time. So it’s Friday and here I am anyways. Time to talk about GROG. ‘All for Me Grog‘ is an old folk song that The Dregs used to sing a long time ago. We […]

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Last Weekend of MRF, 2014

Well, Droopies, it’s all over. Another season at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival came and went. Laughter was had, puppets worn, proposals made, battles of bands fought (WE WON), and many hugs given. We can’t thank you enough for the amazing year. Without YOU, none of this would be possible. Tim is ever the romantic at […]

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Battle of the Bands 2014

Alright, before we begin WHO CHOSE THE NAKEY MAN PHOTO TO REPRESENT AN EPIC SMACK DOWN? Chad called it ‘homoerotic’. I called it ‘what the actual frack’. Freud calls it ‘Tim Wick dealing with some nakey man issues…’ Wait.. it’s a battle, and we’re doing a battle, except with Four Pints Shy, you would see […]

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MRF, weekend five: PATCHOULI

If you’ve ever seen The Dregs doing what Tim refers to as ‘morning walkies’, you’ve seen us enter into The Alchemist screaming, “DON’T WANNA SMELL LIKE NO DAMN IRISH PERSON NO MORE!” to which I always squee, “PATCHOULIIIIIIIIIII”, and Tim looses his shit. His hatred of patchouli comes from a place deep within. The struggle […]

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Sausage Fest 2014

Welp, with Rachael gone in Europe, Suz gone due to heat exhaustion, I was the only female left in The Dregs on Sunday and Monday of this Labor Day fest weekend. If you don’t count Chad, that is.   Suz ended up getting ill after our 3:30 show, when I was actually recovering from *almost* […]

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Can’t make the holiday show because it sold out?

Come to the New Years Eve show! Dress up, bring your favorite pal to smootch at midnight and join us and Four Pints Shy as we bring in 2014 the right way; with music, laughter and shenanigans!   News of our show is starting to spread around town– we’re even listed online in a page […]

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