All for Me Grog

Okay, so I maybe forgot yesterday to post something. I got the grad school blues, baby, and it’s impeding on bloggy time. So it’s Friday and here I am anyways. Time to talk about GROG.

‘All for Me Grog is an old folk song that The Dregs used to sing a long time ago. We were suddenly asked to sing it last year, and Geoffrey and I did not have verses, so we decided to ‘fix’ the song, with Chad playing along afterwards. You end up with this masterpiece that has been nicknamed ‘Pants Pants’:


As a side note from the making of this blog, don’t Google image search ‘cats with balls’… I didn’t quite think that one through. That was… interesting. If you insist upon doing it, I suggest to search for ‘cats with short legs’ as a palate cleanser.

Oh. My. God.
Oh. My. God.

In the video you can see my use of my new favorite prop, made by Michael ‘Sparky’ Heck. It pretty much rules. He embroidered a lovely piece of fabric for me that says a lot so I don’t have to.

next year I'm going to figure out how to attach it to my bloomers...
next year I’m going to figure out how to attach it to my bloomers…

That’s all for this week folks. Tune in next week when I attempt to have all my sh*t together. Or something.

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