We like to consider ourselves professionals in The Dregs. We play instruments (and the accordion), sing (about carrots and zombies), and have high caliber shows (if we can begin on time… or remember the key signature… or who starts the bloody song). So maybe ‘professionals’ was the wrong word to use.
It does seem as though we’re a bunch of hacks that somehow manage to see a song to its end, and the amazing thing is not necessarily our talent, but that we can pull it off convincingly. But we’re YOUR hacks Droopies <3. And we love what we do, as evidenced by these moments from MRF past.

With MRF around the corner, there is bound to be more hilarity, hijinks… and hasenffefer. Alliteration, bitches. It’s a literary device. Grad school dun halped mah edjukashun.
So come out, and don’t forget to bring yer $5 bills with ya!!!
Tags: derp, Dregs, ermahgerd, MRF, Renaissance
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