Here at The Dregs, we consider ourselves to be helpers. We know how much you love the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, and how you feel connected to the acts out there. We’re happy to announce we posed for the 2015 calendar, so you should ORDER ONE TODAY. Sales of the calendars will continue until December, so you have time!

I have no idea what our picture looks like. All I remember is that there is an accordion in it. We apologize in advance.

The proceeds go to benefit the Olsen family, and if you’re plugged in to dem facebooks, you can get updates on their page. Just ‘like’ and you are set for debauchery and whatnot. Personally, I like the intrigue of the ‘whatnot’.

I was just wondering how Chad is feeling after Geoff decided to try to dip him during one of your songs on the last day of fest??? He was having some bad back pain I saw, and I hope he is feeling better!!!
He is much better! Thank you for checking in. The evil accordion is the real culprit here! Let’s have a burning party, shall we? 🙂