Some people have indicated to us through the years that our policy of offering “Whatever you want” for $5 is a bit overpriced. To this I say, “You never asked me for a BJ in the 90’s.” Talk about overpriced.
Anyhoo, I think $5 is a bargain compared to what some things cost, like a divorce; I lost my house, a bunch of swords and guitars AND my self-respect.
But we here at are nothing if not accommodating. We went out and booked not one, but TWO shows the week of St. Patrick’s Day. That’s right, if you weren’t able to purchase tickets to the Bryant Lake Bowl Show you can come see us at The Lodge in Robbinsdale.
We will be joined by special guests, Four Pints Shy bringing their special, single-malt style of Irish music and promise to be at least as awesome as they have been on Sunday morning drives to their Nana’s house. (To be fair, I don’t know if they all share one Nana or if they just adopted some septuagenarian they found passed out at one of the many bars they “play at”).
So without any of our fans ponying up the $5 we usually require, we have made it possible for you to get drunk and hear our music TWICE IN ONE WEEK!
No tickets for the March 17th show, just an $8 cover at the door.
The Lodge in Robbinsdale is at 4080 W Broadway Ave,Minneapolis, MN 55422.