This month’s Droopie is the Zip-Splasher Cripple of infamy, Mr Tim (TIMMAY!) Iverson! We love Tim because he’s hilarious and always brings his punchy sense of humor.

We even made a video JUST FOR HIM.
As you can plainly see, I am the one dissenting voice of reason. I obviously love Timmy best.
So anyways, here is my interview with the lovely Tim.
1.) How long have you been a Dregs fan?
Since 2006 if I remember right. The year Chad and I first went to the MINNESOTA Renaissance Festival. That year, that first time at fest, that first Dregs show, changed me forever.
We are sorry about that. We blame Tim Wick.
2.) What is your favorite Dregs song? Why?
It has changed over time, but I’ll have to say Fields of Athenry. It’s the mixture of Susie’s sweet lead vocal, mixed with that great chorus. Everyone’s voices blend so beautifully. It’s at once sad and wistful. I love it.
We love it too! We love it even more with five bucks!
3.) Who is your favorite Dreg (it really doesn’t have to be me, I swear!) and why?
Hmmmm I love you all so much. I guess gonna have to be a 6-way tie. All of you have touched my life in different ways, and you all contribute things to the dregs that are so unique and fun, that I’d have a hard time choosing. I can’t choose. It’s like Sophie’s Choice. How can you pick a favorite child?
Well since you abstain I’ll just pretend it’s me. I’d like to thank the academy for this award. *single tear*
4.) What’s one song we haven’t done you’d like to see us do?
Yes. It came to me the other day… I’d like to hear “Boat on The River” by Styx. Weird I know, but I think it has that Irish-y feel.
Neato. Tim even included a link for the song. Click here, fellow droopies for song awesomeness. I must warn you, there’s accordion, so avoid it if you must. You’re welcome.
5.) Any favorite moments you’ve had with the band?
Well–there are a ton. I almost don’t wanna say this because it seems self serving, but I always love how you guys go out of your way to include me, by making up cripple songs, and shouting : “The Cripple is Here!” And always making sure i have a front row seat. I also remember 2 others… A) Tillies Bean show where I first heard Suzie sing Sleeping in the Deep, and I made me tear up…Suzie looked at me with this: “Dammit Timmy! Don’t make me cry!” look. Very moving. B) The Christmas Show, where you all attacked Suzie with puppets. Also, the look on your face, when your heard me sing for the first time…Like: “Did all of you know this??! And Why the #%^* didn’t anyone tell me?!” The shock, the betrayal, the amazement. Best compliment I have ever received.
Aw gorsh. Basically you stunned the HELL out of me! Handsome AND talented, who knew????
Remember you can nominate your friends for the next ‘Droopie of the Month’. Just leave a comment here or on the myriad of social networks (by myriad I mean two) where I post this flotsom. Muah!
P.S. that song DOES rule. I call effing DIBS.
Tags: droopies, handtrucks are lousy modes of transportation, Rehearsal Recording, what the hell