Greetings Droops! This month we celebrate the sensational, remarkable, phantasmagorical Chris ‘Mom’ Arneson. Chris insists people call her mom, and we are honored to do so!

I met Chris when I was but a fledgling Dreg, scared and alone in this world, and she gave me encouragement and compliments galore! I don’t think I would have fared quite so well those early days without her help. She continues to support the band, and hangs out behind Mac’s Pub with us. She is family, and during those short seven weeks a year, we get to come together and joke, laugh, and love.

Without further ado, my interview with our favorite festival momma!
How long have you been a Dregs fan?
Since they were Pubkin.
Zoinks, you’ve loved them for a REALLY LONG TIME. I don’t know if that’s admirable or insane to watch Tim for that many years.
What is your favorite Dregs song? Why?
There’s one that Suzy sang about sneaking on board a ship to be with her boyfriend but when she revealed herself to him, he reported her to the captain. Then she had to ‘sleep in the deep.’. The first time she sang it people I didn’t even know were handing me tissues because I was crying so hard. And another one where the corpse was laid out on Suzy’s bed and she said ‘ But that’s my last clean sheet.’ It was very funny with all the things they added to it. Why? The first one Suzy sang with such raw emotion that all of a sudden I was the girl on the boat so hurt by my love’s betrayal that I didn’t care if I did die. The second one because it is so damn funny I could have pissed my pants. True Dregs humor. I loved it!
Suze is often out of clean sheets, so we understand your amusement! <3
Who is your favorite Dreg (it really doesn’t have to be me, I swear!) and why?
That is soooo unfair of a question!!!!!! I love all the Dregs, past and present. All the talent you each have, and my god, godesss, or nothingness, the intelligence of each of you just blows me away!!! Creative, inventive, timing of jokes and the humor you all use! I love all my Dregs!!!!
AWWW gorsh and we love you!
What’s one song we haven’t done you’d like to see us do?
A remix of John Lennon’s song ‘In my Life ‘
I will leave that up to Rach and Geoffrey to figure that song out. They seem to team up well on Lennon songs.
Any favorite moments you’ve had with the band?
I was all set for it. I went to a 1.00 store, and got a feather duster and pulled all the feathers off and put them in a small bag. When the girls sank ‘ My Husband’ I moved over near Tim when he sang his bit about his chicken feather wife and feathers all over the place, I threw them all over him! He didn’t think it was too funny, but I sure did.
But my most favorite was sitting in my usual spot ( the back window sill) smoking a cigarette, drinking a Guinness, and singing (quietly) along with my favorite band, The Dregs!
I am sorry I missed feathers being thrown at Tim! I think we need a redux of that bit, if only for my sole amusement.
Thanks, Mom, for being a good sport! Only 30 more days until Fest starts and we get to point and laugh at the assholes lovely people in this band!